This was also the very first Halloweenie Roast that has taken place outside of my parents' basement, so that's kind of monumental. We fit about eleven people fairly comfortably in our dinky apartment, gorged on various chili dog creations, and experimented with new flavors of Doritos (spicy chili Doritos are way good, btw).

Highlights of the evening were when I tried to carry five twelve-packs of soda plus one big case of bottled water up the stairs to our apartment. I realized that it was a bad idea when I dropped them all mid-staircase. Luckily, the collateral damage of my overzealous soda-carrying ego only amounted to one diet Dr. Pepper, which exploded on the pavement; Matt Garcia's weird Hawaiian BBQ potato chips (they'd be good on a peanut butter sandwich! Don't knock it 'till you try it!); Danny's and Emi's giant tub o' popcorn (we ate most of it! Gluttony!); and Wong's visible disgust regarding Tim Curry in drag.

All in all, it was a good roast. Any suggestions on next year's theme? Or maybe other forms of debauchery that we could include in the glorious roast tradition? Anywho, thanks to everyone who came and brought food and stuff. You guys are sexy bitches.
I'm guessing my invitation got lost in the mail.
Too bad, because I would have come dressed as Magenta.
Seriously...it's like I don't even know you anymore, Alex....
Come on...it wasn't that bad!
Nosferatu with Type O Negative actually sounds pretty sweet.
Have you seen it?
Hey Ben, since our elitist little brother left us out, I say we hold our OWN Halloweenie Roast and exclude him. I've seen the Type O Negative Nosferatu (actually, pretty sure I borrowed Alex's copy years ago), and the music sucks harder than the vampire (HA!). Nevertheless, we should get together and watch it and not invite Alex and tell him how awesome it was after the fact. Whaddaya say?
Removed by a blog administrator? Geeze. I wonder what you had to say there Ryan. You vulgarity spewing monkey.
As for the roast, it was pretty awesome Springer. I especially enjoyed Wong's adverse reaction to Tim Curry in drag yet he did not react in any visibly negative way to the blond guy being half naked the whole movie.
Please, Ryan. If you came, you'd spend half the time making fun of all our friends and the other half of the time out getting vegan food.
But if that's what you want, here's your invite for next year. High five!
Why wouldn't that be what I want? You just described pretty much my perfect evening. Add something in there about me drinking too much Jameson's and projectile vomiting partially digested vegan wieners into Neal's face, and I'm in HEAVEN.
Needless to say, next year I will be there with bells on.
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