It looks like it's been just about a month since I last left y'all with a mindblowing nugget of self-indulgent pop culture criticism or even a convoluted and overspecific "top 10" list. Just how in the hell have you all survived?
Sheree and I are getting married in about two weeks. Before I say anything else, I want you all to know that I am extremely excited for the actual wedding day. It's going to be so awesome that I can hardly stand it. But, in order to get to the extremely awesome wedding day, preparations have had to be made. Now, contrary to the way wedding planning goes in the movies, it takes a long time and everything about it is the worst thing in the world. I think that we're pretty much good to go at this point, save a few minor details that have to be arranged before July 18. It's going to be fun to see how everything meshes together, and it will be excellent to have these preparation pains behind us so that we can enjoy the married life among peace, quiet, and good tilled earth.
Now, for the sake of my own feelings of nostalgia about the time Sheree and I have spent together, I'd like to recount some cool moments that we have experienced:
1. So, there was this one time when we went to see The Strokes at In The Venue (which is a crappy name for a venue, bee-tee-doubleyou). On our way to Salt Lake City, a blue pickup truck spun out of control while trying to exit on to the I-215 belt route. Using my superior reflexes, I was able to dodge the oncoming vehicle, and get us safely to see one of the greatest bands in the world rock our socks off (side note: at this particular concert, The Strokes performed a cover of Lou Reed's "Take A Walk on the Wildside." Not a dry eye in the house). After the show, we walked back to my trusty VW Jetta that was docked within the bowels of Gateway Mall's parking garage, and we passed a vehicle in witch two people (or I guess it could have been one person) were copulating. It was a hell of a night.
2. Our first conversation was pretty awesome as well. It was many a year ago, in our History of Rock 'N Roll class. I noticed Sheree's amazing magenta hair and said to myself, "Wow. She's pretty much awesome." I spent most of the class thinking of something cool to say to her, but all I could come up with was, "'d you get your hair that color?" Luckily, Sheree was a pretty accomplished conversationalist, and we talked about everything from John Hughes movies to the Utah Jazz while we walked to our next classes. It was this conversation that allowed Sheree to creep into my mind as one of the most fascinating people that I had ever met, which has been responsible for our continued and spine-crushingly cool relationship.
3. The first movies that we watched together helped forge us into the solid union that we are today. On our second date, we went to see The Incredibles. A short while later, I brought Kill Bill Vol. 1 over to watch on her couch. I did this because I knew that I'd have to bring Kill Bill Vol. 2 over the next night, so's we could continue getting makey-outey on her couch.
Our first full-blown movie marathon involved the Scream trilogy, a six pack of apple beer, and a chicken pesto pizza from Pier 49.
Around Christmas time, IFC was having a "very Freddy Christmas" and was showing A Nightmare on Elm Street followed by Wes Craven's New Nightmare, which we also beheld. Subsequent Christmases were dedicated to White Christmas, which is more appropriate. On New Year's, we were both in the mood to chill out rather than go down town. So we got some chips and sodas together, and we rang in the new year with a midnight screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
And let's not forget that during the midnight showing of Batman Begins, I asked Sheree to be my wife. Now, our wedding date will coincide with the release of The Dark Knight. Here's to the movies, babe.
I could go on and on about how awesome Sheree is, and how much fun we are going to have as swinging newlyweds, but I'll close up for now. 7-18-08! Awwwww yeeeaaah.
That's damned cute brotha!
But um...I'm still waiting for an invite to a Bachelor's Party...Please....I'm old, got kids, need some RISK excitement.
Nice. But ya dude, what's the deal with the bachelor party? When is it and are we going to nerd our brains out? I'm game for whatever, but I have a bunch of games that no self-respecting individual would admit to liking. Not dirty games or anything. Just really really.. umm.. Neal games. Like Battle Masters. Who wouldn't want to battle over a five by five foot mat of hexagons in a fight of good vs evil?
What a lovely tribute to romance, friendship and magenta hair. Perhaps this is an appropriate time to show how art imitates life. You built an airplane today, and will be on one in a couple of weeks.
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