Those of you who know me are aware of the fact that I think zombies are awesome. It's awesome how they eat brains, it's awesome that since 28 Days Later, zombies run really fast, and it's awesome to fight zombies in Resident Evil 4. So, in honor of the awesomeness of zombies, here are two movie trailers to upcoming zombie films that will probably fall under the category of "shittingly good."
Sweet! In honor of the sustainability of the zombie movie, here's an obligatory "Top 5" list:
5. Night of the Living Dead: I guess this one has to go on any list of zombie movies that's worth a damn. George Romero's gutsy decision to cast an African American protagonist in the 60's is only matched by his gutsy decision to show a little girl zombie kill her parents with a putty knife. Plus, zombie movies are cool when they're in black and white.
4. Shaun of the Dead: Not only did I find this British zombie flick effing hi-larious, it was also pretty scary and emotional at parts. It presented an awesome parody on a lot of classic zombie flicks, and did it in a way that didn't suck.
3. Dawn of the Dead (2004): I'm pretty sure that I've mentioned this movie's awesomeness elsewhere in the haunted corridors of my blog, so I'll just say that 50% of this movie's genius can be found in the opening credits which sets forth a barrage of brutal news footage involving the undead to "When the Man Comes Around" by Johnny Cash.
2. 28 Days Later: I mean come on! Running zombies? Zombies that actually could pose a threat to your bodily well-being? Zombies that pursue you with all the vigor and rage of a soccer mom in rush hour traffic? Bloody brilliant. I'd also give props to Cilian Murphy and how he rescues his compatriots from a deranged group of soldiers using a combination of cognizant zombie infiltration and his own pissedness.
1. Evil Dead 2: Pure, unadulterated badass! Ash is one of my all-time favorite characters in all of moviedom. I like this one the best because it was with me during some pretty hard times growing up in the Riverton 'hood. I almost teared up during the "Doc Ock hospital scene" in Spider Man 2 which was a total throwback to Sam Raimi's days exploring that haunted cabin in the woods.
And let's close with a suggestion from The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks. According to Brooks, the best item that you can have with you in the event of a zombie holocaust is a good ol' crowbar. The logic behind this suggestion is that a crowbar is not only a trusty tool in dispatching the undead (it's all about blunt trauma!), but it will also help you break into boarded up structures, open crates, and you can even use a crowbar to open canned food!
Makes sense to me!
Not cool, dude. You left out Latter-day of the Dead. Even though it's not a movie, it is a pretty thorough treatment on my blog.
You should have hotlinked me, dude. You should have hotlinked me.
You're dead to me.
Get it?
Dead to me? Zombies?
I really want to see dawn of the dead now.
Me too Ben. Me too. I also want to practice my zombie hunting skills.... oh wait, we already did on Saturday!
Zombies are pretty awesome. But when the zombie attack happens I'm not going to be running around with a crowbar (I might actually, just not as a primary weapon). I'm all about my samurai sword. Slice!
running zombie suck and there are no zombies in 28 days later thank you.
TRUE zombie fans unite!
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