Feb 18, 2008

Heroes? More Like Zeroes.

I have to get something off of my chest real quick, and that something is this: While at the video store this week, Sheree and I didn't really know what to rent with her awesome, no-late-fee, two-movies-at-a-time (new releases or otherwise!), MVP membership at the local Hollywood Video. So we decided to rent the first two discs of Heroes: Season 1. Being an astronomically huge comic book/superhero geek, I was expecting to really dig this show. The truth? I don't dig it so much. The whole time I was like, "Gee, I wish that I was watching Lost" or "Gee, I wish I was reading X-Men." I think those things because both the super-secret overall plot and the characters' lives interweaving are done way better in Lost, and the benevolent mutation thing is done way better in X-Men.
The show also suffers from both bad writing/dialogue and bad acting, which one can only stomach for so long.
On the plus side, I think Hiro is kind of cool.

On an unrelated note, here's something that's pretty damn funny.


Sheree said...

Double true! I dunno, I'm hoping that if we keep watching, it'll get better. But so far, no dice. The bad acting just freaking kills me. The brother who steals powers is the worst, I think. Its a disappointment, to be sure.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, agreed, proceed to smoke weed!

Ryan said...

Kelly and I watched the whole first season when it originally aired, and it does get a little better.

But then it gets worse.

And stays worse.

And then the second season? Makes you appreciate the first season, even at its worst. Which is to say, Season Two sucks beetle dick.

sorensenpower said...

Awesome blog! BOOM! Just kidding, your blog didn't really blow up!

I agree with what you said about Heros. I saw a couple episodes and didn't really fall into deep passionate love as I did with Lost. Also, the phrase "save the cheerleader, save teh world" made me want to burn down all high schools.

sorensenpower said...