I know that there are a lot of haters out there. Lots of people who think the show is "overrated" or who have been known to say, "I just couldn't get into it." I have but one thing to say to such haters: "Pull your heads out of your collective asses!" I know that these haters only rag on the show because it's mainstream and popular, and to certain forms of life, anything that is mainstream and popular must be sucky. Though that can be said about many things (cough cough...Indy 4...cough cough), there are TV shows, movies, books, and music that completely deserve all the popularity they get. Lost is a good example of this anomaly.
Now, in honor of the season finale, I give you my ten most extreme Lost moments:

9. Penny and Desmond: I think a lot of people get caught up in the love triangle among Jack, Kate, and Sawyer, but I kinda got tired of thinking about who Kate should end up with. Instead, I liked to focus on the other relationships on the Island. Sun and Jin are cool, Sayid and Nadia are cool but tragic, Hurley and Libby were cute but kind of weird, etc. But the coolest relationship of all is that of Penny and Desmond. I

8. 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42: These numbers are present throughout the show, and stuff like this intrigues me. Hurley is the one who seems to be most involved with these numbers, mainly because he thinks they are cursed. The reason for this is because he played these numbers in a lottery and won. As a result, he was on the plane that crashed and from then on he noticed them in strange places all over the Island. Wanna know what's even more crazy? Before he won the lottery, he heard someone mumbling about these numbers while he was in a mental institution. The person he heard mumbling ended up being a soldier who intercepted them in a longwave transmission while stationed at a military listening post. Most recently, Hurley encountered the numbers on the odometer of a car that his dad restored for his birthday. What???

6. Move the Island? What?: One of the more significant instances of mindfudgery that took place last night was the event in which Ben teleported the entire Island somewhere that has yet to be specified. That's really all I can say about it.

4. The Swan: During season 2, Locke was out hunting boars or something when he discovered something metallic buried in the ground. He dug around it and discovered that it was a door that led to an underground h

3. Claire and the Psychic: I wanna start this off by saying that I hate Claire. But there was an instance in her back story that still freaks me out. Since she was gonna have a kid out of wedlock and all, she was thinking about adoption. But one day her friend persuaded her to visit a psychic. When he took Claire's hands to look into the future, he gets all disturbed and repeats, "No one but you can raise this baby." Claire is weirded out, but kind of trusts this guy's visions. So a few days later, the psychic dude contacts her, apologizes, and says that he knows a family in California who will take care of her baby. He gives her a plane ticket, and guess what? It's for Oceanic Flight 815, fated to crash on the mysterious Island. Now, the reason why this moment is number 3 on the list is because freaking Kate has Claire's baby! This psychic revelation still has some significance as to what's in store for future seasons.
2. Episode 1: I believe I've already mentioned the haters. The haters who have seen the first episode and weren't totally swept up in some of the craziest stuff to have ever been broadcast on national TV. Personally, if you watch the first episode of Lost and are not totally awed by it's two-fisted awesome, then you must have had a frontal lobotomy. Or maybe some form of traumatic head injury. It starts off with an intense plane crash, complete with explosions, shards of debris, and screaming passengers. Then, five minutes after Jack gets everyone calmed down, they start hearing really loud and eerie noises emanating from the jungle. A bit longer into the episode, the pilot gets yanked off screen by some unseen beast, and showers the wreckage with blood. And then? Polar bears! How can you not see all this stuff and say, "my life will not be complete until I figure out what's happening on this island." How?

And there it is. Way to go, Lost. Way to not suck.